Deep Rock Galactic, developed by Ghost Ship Games, is an engaging cooperative game that combines mining, repairing equipment, and battling hostile aliens in procedurally generated caves. Its popularity on PC since its release in 2020 has only grown as it expanded to consoles, drawing in new fans with its unique style and engaging gameplay. As the game spans multiple platforms, many players wonder if they can play with friends on different hardware. Here’s a comprehensive guide to Deep Rock Galactic’s crossplay capabilities.
Does Deep Rock Galactic Support Crossplay?
The short answer is yes but with some caveats. Deep Rock Galactic allows crossplay, but it’s only a universal feature across some platforms. Here’s what you need to know:
- Xbox and Windows PC Crossplay: Players on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC via the Microsoft Store can play together. This is because both platforms are part of the Microsoft ecosystem. Unfortunately, crossplay doesn’t extend to Steam players on PC.
- PlayStation Cross-Generational Play: If you’re on PlayStation, there’s some good news too. PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 players can join the same game sessions thanks to cross-generational play. However, they can’t crossplay with Xbox or PC players.
The Crossplay Limitations
The biggest limitation is that Deep Rock Galactic’s crossplay does not allow for interactions between different ecosystems. This means:
- No Crossplay Between Xbox/Windows PC and PlayStation: At the moment, there’s no crossplay between these two groups. If you’re on Xbox or Windows PC (Microsoft Store version), you can’t play with friends on PlayStation, and vice versa.
- No Crossplay Between Steam and Other Platforms: The Steam version of the game is isolated from the Microsoft Store version, preventing crossplay between Steam and Xbox/Windows PC players.
Staying Updated on Crossplay Changes
Ghost Ship Games might expand crossplay in the future, and we will keep you updated on any changes. If the developers decide to allow crossplay between different ecosystems or between Steam and other PC platforms, you’ll hear it from us first.
Conclusion: Making the Most of Crossplay in Deep Rock Galactic
While Deep Rock Galactic’s crossplay has limitations, there’s still plenty of fun to be had with the existing cross-platform options. Players on Xbox and Windows PC can team up, as can PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 players. Despite the restricted crossplay, the game offers excellent cooperative experiences for those who can play together.
If you’re keen on exploring more crossplay options, consider checking out other co-op games that offer broader cross-platform support. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, we hope to see more titles like Deep Rock Galactic embracing crossplay to bring players together, regardless of their platform.
Keep mining, stay connected, and enjoy the thrilling adventures Deep Rock Galactic has to offer!