
Energy Massage: The Various Techniques

Energy Massage: The Various Techniques

Energy Massage: The Various Techniques

Energy massage is   a practice that aims to harmonize and rebalance the body’s energies to bring well-being and vitality.

This method of care takes into account the human being as a whole, on a physical, emotional and mental level.

Let’s discover together the different energy massage techniques, their benefits and how they act on our body.

The different types of energy massage

There are several types of energy massages , each with its own specificities and objectives. Here are some of the most common practices:

The benefits of energy massage

Energy massages provide many physical, mental and emotional benefits:

How does an energy massage session take place?

The choice of technique and practitioner

Before embarking on an energy massage session, it is essential to choose the technique that suits you best according to your needs and expectations.

Do not hesitate to find out about the different existing practices and to consult the opinions of people who have already experienced these massages.

It is obviously recommended to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner, who will be able to adapt their actions to your state of health and your specific needs.

Trust your intuition to select the professional with whom you will feel most comfortable.

The course of the energy massage session

An energy massage session generally begins with an interview with the practitioner, who will take the time to discuss with you your needs, your expectations and your state of health.

This will allow him to best adapt his practice according to your profile and your needs.

The massage itself can last between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Depending on the technique chosen and the extent of the areas to be treated.

The practitioner works on the entire body. Placing particular emphasis on the acupuncture points and the meridians where vital energy circulates.

The movements are mainly gentle and slow, to allow deep relaxation and better circulation of energy.

It is recommended to wear soft and comfortable clothing during an energy massage session. In order to facilitate movements and optimize the effects of the massage.

Precautions to take

Since energy massage is a non-medical practice. It does not in any way replace medical treatment or follow-up with a health professional.

It is important to consult your doctor before undertaking an energy massage session if you suffer from specific health conditions.

Finally, it should be noted that the benefits of energy massage can vary from one person to another and that it may be necessary to carry out several sessions to fully experience its positive effects.

Do not hesitate to discuss with your practitioner to determine which frequency of massages is best suited to your needs.

My opinion on energy massages

Customer perspective

I’ll be honest with you, I’m going to have a hard time being objective.

The “energies” , “chi”, “qi” or all the names that we can give it do not really fit into my conception of the world and of humans.

I am not claiming that they are inventions, nor that they are reality.

I would say that I am an agnostic on this matter.

Maybe it’s just a different way of understanding biochemistry and how the body works than I do.

However, I respect those who adhere to these schools of thought.

I still received most of these protocols as a client (except reiki) and the “mechanical” part (action of hands on the body) completely convinced me.

The physical and psychological relaxation is undeniable and the well-being at the end of the session is concrete and very satisfying.

Professional point of view

The advantage of most energy massages is that they contain real “massage” movements.

  • Kneading
  • Percussion
  • Pressure points and grips
  • Joint mobilizations

They make it possible to appeal to a Cartesian public (as I can be). Those curious to discover this universe of energetics as well as those who are totally adept.

Whatever one may think, the notion of “energy” is an integral part of the history of massage and contributes to arousing interest and vocations among a large part of the population.

And as long as the professional does not claim to replace a real therapist or a doctor. I can only encourage you to discover them, integrate them into your service card and make up your own mind!

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