Running a repair business is one of the professions that can earn you decent profits. For someone having experience, skills, and passion for technology, this is a great niche. However, it comes with a number of challenges. You have to manage employees, track inventory, market your services, and much more.
This is where work order management software comes into play. It helps you streamline everything at your repair shop. From repair job tracking to customer management to business reporting, it assists you with all the processes. Let us discuss some of the features and benefits of this system.
Point of Sales Feature
Using this software, you can easily keep track of everything. For instance, suppose a customer visits you to get their cell phone, computer, or watch fixed. You can create a ticket against that order. After a day or so, whenever they revisit you to pick up their device, you can generate invoices. Then you can also collect payments.
You can use this system to receive online payments as well. It comes with all the features that you can find in your point of sales software. So, you don’t need to worry about calculating all the sales and taxes at the end of every day, saving time and effort.
Inventory Management
So, managing inventory is one of the important tasks in a repair business. But, it comes with several challenges. Most shop owners still use old-fashioned, conventional techniques and strategies to organize stock. For instance, some rely on paperwork to list down all the items. Others have a dedicated supply chain manager to do this job.
However, there is a high number of human errors. In addition, even the highly efficient person can’t keep an eye on all the accessories and items. Instead, one should get help from a work order system, as it can keep track of all the repair parts.
This is not it; the system comes with a notification feature. So, if products and accessories are getting low in stock, you will get to know. This way, you do not miss any sales opportunities due to a shortage of inventory. The benefits do not end here. You can also have a look at how to streamline repairs with work order management software. It will provide you with more details regarding such an effective system.
Repair Job Tracking
As a repair business owner, you have come across the challenge of tracking repair jobs. This is something that cannot be dealt with by hiring more employees. You can also say that it is an issue every repair shop goes through. People are always in a hurry and curious about when their gadgets will be ready after the repair. They keep messaging you, making calls, and asking the same question: “Have you fixed my phone?”
But equipping your lab with work order management software is the solution. After creating a ticket against a device, you can assign it to a repair technician. Whenever a customer asks you about the status of the repair, you can track the ticket and let them know.
Along with that, you can assign it from one technician to another depending upon the availability of the time. You can also do this if any of your repairmen is taking more time or unable to finish the repair. This way, you can inform your customers timely, boosting their trust, and retention rate.
Integrated Parts Ordering
This is one of the best features of work order software. Remember the struggle you have to contact your vendors? Also, it gets difficult sometimes when you are unable to recall the model number. Or the exact size of a specific repair item.
But this will not be the case when you equip your store with this software. It allows you to order special parts and accessories from your desired suppliers and vendors. So, you can save several hours every week and invest in something more beneficial.
Market Effectively
Last but not least, work order software for management helps you market your repair business. You would be thinking, how? We are here and will brief you.
You cannot deny the importance of marketing for businesses around the world. The same goes for your repair shop, too. Until or unless you don’t reach out to your customers, it will be difficult to do more sales. But with efficient software like work order, you can design and send emails and SMS campaigns to your clients. Thus, they would know what services and accessories you offer at the store.
Final Words
To compete in the repair industry, you cannot just sit there and rely on manual methods. If you want to streamline operations at your workplace, you must shift towards using technology. With the help of work order software, you can manage all the operations with just a click of a button. Also, there will be fewer chances of errors.