
How to Choose the Right Breast Implants for Breast Augmentation in Dubai

A wide variety of high-quality breast implants in Dubai allows your specialist plastic surgeon to help you achieve the results you desire. Anyhow, if you are concerned about How to Choose the Right Breast Implants for Breast Augmentation in Dubai then read below.

Breast Implant Options and Choices

If you are undergoing a breast augmentation or a breast lift with implants (augmentation mastopexy), then you will likely be wondering what breast implant types are out there, and what the best choice is for you. 

Options for Implant Fill, Size, Texture, Shape, Projection, Placement and Incision

One of the BIGGEST decisions you’ll make about Breast Augmentation or Breast Implant Surgery is the type of breast implant you choose.

  • In Dubai, the most popular breast implants used by specialist plastic surgeons are MENTOR Implants and MOTIVA implants.
  • The most popular breast implant choice for patients and surgeons is high-grade SILICONE implants.
  • Most surgeons use round, smooth, or micro-textured implants. Furthermore, the most popular breast implant sizes are around 300ml to 400ml

How to Choose the Right Breast Implants for Breast Augmentation in Dubai

The candidates must know  Breast Implant Types and Surgery Options, therefore, they are as follows:

1. Breast Implant Brands

Plastic surgeons employ several premium, reliable, and dependable brands, such as Allergan, Mentor, and Motiva.

Most individuals receive the desired outcomes from our expertise. Additionally, a funnel can be used by the professionals to insert these implants during the process. By using this tool, handling and damage are reduced, and future implant rupture is helped to some extent. 

2. Breast Implant Types – Saline and Silicone

Silicone and Saline are the two types of breast implants that are accessible. Our specialists like silicone implants.

Saline-filled implants can also look rippling and be more challenging to place. They can produce a “sloshing” sound when exercising. Although silicone implants tend to yield the intended result and have the same silicone shell as saline, some individuals may have anxiety about them. 

3. Breast Implant Shapes – Round or Teardrop (Anatomical)

Implants are available in several forms. These are spherical and teardrop/anatomical at the moment. The shape you choose will rely on what you need to achieve the desired outcomes.

Round implants usually don’t change the form of the breast when they move within the breast pocket. Although anatomical Breast implants in Dubai give you a more subtle contour, if they shift or flip within the pocket, they may appear misshapen. 

4. Breast Implant Textures – Smooth to Highly Textured

Implants can also come in various textures from smooth to highly textured. Smooth surface implants have a softer feel and are generally easier to place in the breast pocket. The much less popular, textured implants, however, reduce the risk of implant movement and allow the breast tissue to adhere to the implant surface.

5. Breast Implant Sizes – From Small to Large Implants and Beyond

Nonetheless, the size of an implant on your body depends on your body type and torso measurements. On a smaller patient, a 400 cc implant might be far too big, but on a larger patient, it might look modest.

Because of this, you have to collaborate with your surgeon to choose the ideal implant size for your unique body type. Our surgeons are renowned for their delicate-looking, modestly-sized breasts. His goal is to steer clear of the issues that come with really large implants in the future. 

6. Breast Implant Placement Options: The Placement Pocket

There are three common approaches for breast implant placement:

  • In front of the pectoral muscle
  • Behind the pectoral muscle
  • Dual plane (partially behind the muscle).

Each of these methods offers a different type of result, and our practitioner will be able to suggest the breast implant placement that will suit you, depending on your skin, body composition, existing breast tissues, lifestyle, and desired outcomes.

Remember, getting the desired results depends on a variety of aspects of your surgery. It’s important to plan the surgery carefully. Still, it’s just as important to follow pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions, not to smoke, eat well, rest, hydrate, not do too much too early, and understand the healing and recovery processes and time frames.  These can ALL vary and all surgery has risks.

Your Breast Implant Consultation with our experts:

During your consultation at Enfield Royal Clinic, our experts will assess your existing anatomy and physique. 

During your consultation, the specialist also uses a range of size selection and planning tools, including bra cup sizes to assess your needs. He also takes extensive measurements of each patient’s torso and chest area to help him anticipate what the end result of your procedure will be.

So without wasting time, book your slot and have the perks that you have been appealing for a long time.

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