Selecting a web hosting provider is among the most crucial choices a website owner must make. Because hosting is the foundation of any website, choosing the correct service provider is essential. Nonetheless, the market is filled with a wide variety of web hosting options. Above all, you need to decide which website hosting provider best meets the needs of your company. There are benefits and drawbacks to every web hosting provider. Onlive Server offers one of the most well-liked hosting services: the India Dedicated Server.
What is India Dedicated Server?
A single server is assigned to a website or company under the terms of dedicated server hosting. It denotes total control over the website server by the company or website owner. Additionally, the individual who leased the server makes use of all of its hardware and software resources. India Due to its many advantages, dedicated hosting is a well-liked web hosting option for companies and website owners.
Advantages of India Dedicated Server
Improved security
Internet websites are not safe; DDoS attacks and virus attacks are regular problems that all websites encounter. A India Dedicated Server provides you with enhanced protection. A straightforward attack on your website will have an immediate effect on your company. As a result, you require a dependable hosting solution that can withstand malware and DDoS attacks with ease. You may even change the security settings of your web servers with an India dedicated hosting, which lowers the danger. It guarantees enhanced protection for your website.
High performance
Performance-wise, dedicated servers outperform other hosting options. Dedicated hosting provides higher uptime and lower crash rates for websites. Additionally, you can manage high visitor volumes during peak hours with ease, and most significantly, your website loads faster. A dedicated server performs better than a cloud server. even when you have two servers that are identical in terms of RAM, CPU, and disk space. Additionally, dedicated server hosting provides higher uptime and speed.
Root access
You will always have root access to the website when you host it on a dedicated server. It implies that managing users, updating security measures, installing apps, and even backing up the server are all simple tasks. All of these things are not feasible with shared hosting since one user may object to any changes. Overall, since you have root access to the server, you can modify it to your liking.
Another benefit of dedicated hosting is its cost. Purchasing and maintaining infrastructure is not a concern when you select an India dedicated server. Simply hire a company, and their team of experts with Onlive Server will take care of everything. Security, support, and upkeep of the server will be handled by the hosting company. As a result, it assists you in concentrating on the matters that are crucial to your company.
Solutions for web hosting should be dependable in the present day. Your loyal customers will migrate to your competition if for any reason your website goes down. Dedicated server hosting might be quite beneficial in these situations. It enables little downtime for your website to operate seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. When there is a lot of traffic, websites hosted on dedicated servers function properly.
Dedicated hardware
Having access to personal dedicated hardware is the main benefit of selecting dedicated server hosting. Sharing the server with other companies or website owners is not a concern for you. Additionally, since you have root access to your server, you can modify it to suit your needs.
Technical support
Reputable web hosts will offer you technical support around-the-clock. You need to fix any problems as soon as they arise, whether they are caused by malware, DDoS attacks, technological difficulties, or something else entirely. Furthermore, you don’t want the business or website to suffer any harm.
Website hosting with a dedicated server in India offers a great deal of flexibility. SaaS is easily accessible without degrading website performance. When using any SaaS, you should reconsider your options if you are on shared hosting. To meet the demands of your website and the increased traffic, you may easily upgrade your hardware.
Factors to choose a Dedicated Server in India?
Since every website and company is distinct, they all require a particular kind of web hosting. Before choosing a hosting provider, website owners need take into account a few factors such hardware and software. A few things you should make sure you always look at when using a website hosting service are:
Storage needs
On their dedicated servers, website owners should select the kind and quantity of hard drives they desire. Whether a website handles a high volume of non-sensitive data or a modest amount of sensitive data determines its storage capacity. A single hard drive is used by a website that manages a tiny quantity of sensitive data. whereas the backup is kept on several hard disks. By using this technique, confidential data can be prevented from being lost. However, the majority of clients use huge hard drives that store information because they want greater storage capacity without backups. A secondary hard drive can hold data in the event that the primary hard disk fills up completely.
Operating system
A server can run one of two primary types of operating systems. Linux and Windows are two different operating systems. Any operating system will do, but it must meet the requirements of your website. Websites built with ASP.NET or MS SQL should be hosted on a Windows-only server. But if you’re using PHP, Apache, or MySQL, you’ll need a dedicated Linux or Unix server running Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, or other operating systems. It is also crucial because the person who owns the website have to be proficient in using the management panel.
Bandwidth needs
The website’s bandwidth requirements are determined by the volume of traffic it must manage. The amount of data that may be sent from the server to the website and vice versa depends on the bandwidth. The billing cycle is the name given to this particular time frame. A website typically receives hundreds or even millions of visits; as a result, it requires more bandwidth. Furthermore, more bandwidth and efficient database connections are required for scripts, movies, and graphics.
The processor of the server
When switching to a dedicated server in India, the first thing any owner of a website should consider is how powerful their server should be. A CPU-intensive script, a virtualization server, specialized servers for games and films, and SQL servers are examples of websites that require a strong hosting server. Prior to making any hosting investments, you should be aware of the server’s processing power.
India Dedicated Server Plans by Onlive Server
Here are some India Dedicated Server plans offered by Onlive Server:
- Processor: Intel Xeon E3 2136 (6 cores, 12 threads, 4.50 GHz)
- RAM: 16 GB
- Storage: 480 GB SSD (RAID 1)
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $149/month 1
- Processor: Intel Xeon E3 2136 (6 cores, 12 threads, 4.50 GHz)
- RAM: 32 GB
- Storage: 480 GB SSD (RAID 1)
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $160/month 1
- Processor: Intel Xeon E3 2136 (6 cores, 12 threads, 4.50 GHz)
- RAM: 32 GB
- Storage: 960 GB SSD (RAID 1)
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $179/month 1
- Processor: Dual Intel Xeon 2 X E5 2640v3 (16 cores, 32 threads, 3.40 GHz)
- RAM: 64 GB
- Storage: 960 GB SSD (RAID 1)
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $299/month 1
- Processor: Dual Intel Xeon 2 X E5 2640v3 (16 cores, 32 threads, 3.40 GHz)
- RAM: 128 GB
- Storage: 960 GB SSD (RAID 1)
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $499/month 1
- Processor: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 (12 cores, 24 threads, 2.50 GHz)
- RAM: 32 GB
- Storage: 2x 240 GB SSD
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $349/month 1
- Processor: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3 (16 cores, 32 threads, 2.50 GHz)
- RAM: 64 GB
- Storage: 2x 2 TB SATA
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $555/month 1
- Processor: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3 (16 cores, 32 threads, 2.50 GHz)
- RAM: 64 GB
- Storage: 2x 480 GB SSD
- Location: Noida, India
- Price: $555/month
There are numerous advantages for all kinds of businesses with an India Dedicated Server. It is a safer method of storing and hosting sensitive data on websites. Nonetheless, the cost of a dedicated server in India differs depending on the provider. Select the reputable business that offers the greatest services of Cheap Dedicated Server inside your means.